Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blank Slate

Here's our house as we wait for the snow to melt and for the flowers to bloom. We have several perennials well established around the house and I added a small bed around the crabapple tree on the right last year, which required the transplanting of the tulip bulbs that were there when we moved in. It will be interesting to see if I killed all of them or just most of them.
All along the alley here are lilies and bleeding hearts, which add excellent color to the west side of the house. I may add a bed around the other crabapple sometime this summer. We've also discussed adding planters on the short walls next to the front steps. They would get awesome southern exposure and would make interesting herb gardens for our delicious dinners.


Flaca said...

All I can say is that I love and miss you trevor. There truly is not a single other person like you and for that you are priceless. Keep up the projects! I think it keeps Aub mildly insane which provides good stories for me as her friend. Love ya!

Bret said...

Who is this "Trevor"???