Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why we 'keep it green'

Here's why we spend our time and energy trying to reduce the negative impacts our consumer habits are having on the earth: we kind of like it the way it is.
Jessi, TJ, Lulu, Buster and I posing for this photo opportunity in 15 mph wind that seemed to carry small daggers of ice. I actually had shorts on when I was getting ready to leave the house...

It's just another day at the beach for TJ and Lulu. Buster doesn't seem to mind rolling in the snow instead of sand.
This is the beach at Tettegouche state park in Minnesota.

This is the view from one of the higher lookouts. The large mound in the distance is Palisade Head. This rock formation is very popular amongst repelers. The first time we saw them dangling over the edge of the cliff, I thought it was a rescue attempt. I couldn't imagine anyone hanging over the edge on purpose!

This is the northern view from the Shovel Point lookout platform in the park. It was super windy the day we were there, but the waves were just getting going.

1 comment:

Flaca said...

Way to tie in the name of the blog to the title of the post. Consistency...a beautiful thing! Miss you, not Superior!