Here I am getting ready for my morning commute. I work 1.4 miles from home now and typically venture to work under people power. Now that it's deep into winter, I have to bundle up. I've modified my winter garb until I had the studly ensemble you see here.

The back pack is ideal for transporting my stuff, but some times it doesn't all fit, as is the case here where the monster size bag of Honey Nut Scooters protrudes from my pack, making it an official
snow pants, and my headphones get me to and from work everyday.

By contrast, here I am on the first day of school, decked out in full dork regalia. Yes, I do roll the right leg of my pants to keep it out of the chain.
Since this picture, I've added fenders to keep the mud off my goggles and upgraded the seat. This bike is approaching ten years old and hasn't aged well. I hope to find a more suitable used bike before school starts again in the fall. I've considered getting actual saddle bags that are designed for bikes, but I really like the Publix milk crate, so we'll have to see what transpires.
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