Monday, July 21, 2008

Flowering Miscellany

These are Outhouse Hollyhocks we grew from seed we ordered from SeedSavers Exchange. They are an heirloom variety that should produce a variety of bold colors with lots of blooms. According to the literature, Hollyhocks were often used to both identify and hide the outhouse. So, if you were at house you were unfamiliar with, instead of embarrassing yourself by asking where the outhouse was, you could just look for the Hollyhocks and figure it out. I'm just hoping I don't find some old timer rooting around next to the house after these things bloom.
Here are the day lilies in full bloom in front of the rain barrel on the East side of the house.

This is a mixed planting of flowers and greens with Amish snap peas growing up the fence. We've had a great crop of peas this year. On the right is our Clematis, which I was certain I had killed this past winter. It hasn't bloomed yet, but it has more vines than ever, so I'm optimistic about the flowers, whenever they show up.
Here is the front yard bed showing its first blooms. The light colored flowers are poppies, the yellow ones are Jolly Jester marigolds. The red tinged flowers are Bishop's children- not sure what they are going to look like.

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