Here's an up close shot of the lower light array. This is the bottom shelf and the lights were previously mounted individually on each of the upper shelves. This year, to increase the amount of light available to the plants, I consolidated the old lights and mounted a double bulb fixture on the two upper shelves.

These three single bulb fixtures use 18 inch bulbs, so the light available doesn't extend all the way to the ends of the shelf, but I think the denseness of the light bank compensates. Or so I'd like to think...

Here's a close-up of the lights illuminating the newest seedlings- Lulu's San Morizanos. They are doing well and are getting ready for their first transplanting.

Here's a better view of the little guys hugging the lights. They really want to be in some deeper soil. I was worried that I had doomed them a short life as spindly wisps because I sowed them directly into the seed cells that came with the green house kit, but they seem to be holding their own, so far.

These guys are just about bursting off the shelves. They are the Stupice variety and I'm exited to get them to produce this year. Last year's crop was annihilated by the Arctic Blast that nailed them the afternoon I began hardening them off, so I'll be handling things a bit differently next year.

Here's the whole thing. I propped up the seeding trays so they are much closer to the lights. So far, so good...